Laddie Moran’s latest project, “Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished”

Lancaster native, Laddie Moran is an intentional lyricist who has something to say to black and white America this Juneteenth. His up-and-coming album titled, Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished, is an acronym inspired by the late great Tupac Shakur. When asked why he created an album centered around such a contentious topic Laddie replied confidently stating, “I’m obligated to. When knowing whose name I use as my AKA. My grandfather was a Panther. I’m obligated to say something and to get people to think and start a conversation.” Seven years in the making, Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished is a statement piece that addresses the overwhelming issues surrounding the black community. The piece celebrates black culture and diminishes the negative portrayals of an oppressed people. Throughout the album he addresses racism, gun violence, slavery, and of course the usage of the “N-Word” in society. His voice is melodic and compliments every track seamlessly. Laddie wrote this piece specifically for the black individual. The ones that suffer, the ones accused unjustly, those that were told they weren’t good enough simply because of their complexion. Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished is a thought-provoking love letter the black community didn’t know they needed.

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